Overview of Services

WASA is a provider of high quality water complying with recognized drinking water guidelines. This is achieved through the planning and development of water supply schemes and the operation and maintenance and continuous improvement of existing installations.

The WASA is responsible for the transport, treatment and disposal of sewage by effectively planning and developing works and operating and maintaining existing installations to provide services fit for customers' purposes in an environmentally sustainable and economic manner.

The WASA is responsible for the continuous monitoring, management, operation and maintenance of both the water supply and waste water management. To achieve this, the WASA undertakes the following:

Water Supply

Continuously monitors and manages the available resources and takes responsible actions to ensure a lasting supply of water is available to our community
Monitors and maintains the quality of water available to the community
Ensures all water assets are maintained and repaired to protect our environment
Undertakes upgrades to the water assets to ensure continuous improvement to the water supply service
Provides water supply services to the community including beaches, parks and reserves
Coordinates and maintains records of properties and assets as required
Educates the community on the value of water as a precious resource through festivals and other appropriate activities

Sewerage Service

Monitors and maintains the services of sewage treatment and disposal for the community
Ensures all treatment works are maintained and repaired to protect our environment
Undertakes upgrades to waste water management assets to ensure continuous improvement to the sewage treatment and disposal service
Undertakes continuing research for better ways to dispose and/or re-use treated effluent
Provides sewerage services to the community, including beaches, parks and reserves
Coordinates and maintains records of properties and assets as required
Educates the community on the services provided, and how high levels of effluent treatment offer a sustainable sewage management plan.


- Provision and O&M of Water Supply
(i). Source: Rawal Lake Filtration Plant, Khanpur Dam, Tomar Service Reservoir and Tubewells.
(ii). Distribution Network including Water Works
- O&M of Sewerage System and related Appurtenance Billing and Revenue (water charges) collection to attain Financial Sustainability.
- Enforcement against Defaulters / Unauthorized Connections etc.
- Short Term and Long Term Planning for Tapping Additional Water Sources & Implementation to meet water supply and Sewerage demand projected on the period. The long term Projects are:
(i). Augmentation of water supply system based on Chahan Dam

Water Quality Monitoring

Click here for Detalis Water Quality Monitoring

The WASA is responsible for water and sewage strategic planning to support environmental and ecological sustainable development in the community.